Gaming News: Reddit Users Discuss the Best RTS Games

Which RTS games do gamers still love to play? Discover the top picks and forgotten classics in this Reddit discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking for the best RTS games to play? Dive into the Reddit community’s picks and why these games hold a special place in their hearts.


  • Age of Empires 2 remains a timeless classic for many players.
  • Supreme Commander stands out for its lasting appeal despite its age.
  • StarCraft 2 continues to captivate gamers with its diverse gameplay modes.
  • Command and Conquer series and Company of Heroes have loyal followings.

Age of Empires 2: A Beloved Classic

Age of Empires 2 fans revere the game as a drop-dead classic, showcasing its enduring popularity and strategic depth that still captivates players today.

Supreme Commander: A Timeless Gem

Despite its 2007 release, Supreme Commander impresses gamers with its innovative gameplay and robust mechanics that stand the test of time.

StarCraft 2: The Enduring Favorite

StarCraft 2 continues to shine, offering a captivating experience in campaign, PvE, and PvP modes, with stormgate on the horizon as an exciting new addition.

Command and Conquer Series and Company of Heroes: Fan Favorites

The Command and Conquer series and Company of Heroes maintain dedicated fanbases, proving their staying power in the RTS genre.