Gaming News: Reddit Users Discuss Video Game Characters That Grew on Them

Discover how video game characters that users initially disliked ended up becoming favorites. Emotions run high in this lively discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever encountered a video game character who you initially despised but later grew to love? Reddit users recently shared their experiences with characters who defied their expectations, transitioning from irritants to beloved favorites. Let’s delve into the emotional rollercoaster of character development and player perception!


  • Tidus from Final Fantasy X: Initially viewed as annoying, his positivity became a coping mechanism.
  • Zidane from FF9: Started as a pervert but evolved into a cool character.
  • Ezio Auditore from AC2: Transitioned from initial skepticism to acceptance.
  • Lae’zel from BG3: Confrontational nature transformed into admiration.

Characters Turnaround

Many users resonated with the journey of Tidus from Final Fantasy X. Initially perceived as overly optimistic, players later realized his upbeat attitude served as a coping mechanism amidst adversity. User EarthExile beautifully encapsulated this transformation, highlighting Tidus’ evolution from annoyance to a much-needed source of leadership and positivity.

Meanwhile, Zidane from FF9 underwent a remarkable change in perception. Initially labeled as a pervert for his inappropriate behavior, particularly towards Garnet, he gradually matured throughout the game, earning respect and admiration from players like iNuclearPickle.

Uncovering Depth

The evolution of Ezio Auditore in Assassin’s Creed 2 also struck a chord with gamers. Some users, such as UrdnotZigrin, confessed to initially questioning Ezio’s appeal compared to his predecessor, Altair. However, as the storyline unfolded, Ezio’s depth and character development won over even the skeptics.

Another surprising transformation occurred with Lae’zel from Baldur’s Gate 3. Initially perceived as confrontational and sidelined by players like JPK12794, her journey from a mere camp companion to a valued fighter showcases the impact character development can have on player sentiment.

Throughout these anecdotes, one common thread emerges: initial impressions can be deceiving, and video game characters have the power to subvert expectations and win over even the most skeptical players. Whether through nuanced storytelling or gradual character growth, these examples demonstrate the emotional investment players develop with their virtual companions.