Gaming News: Reddit Users Dream of Unlimited Budget Game Development

Discover the wild dreams of gamers on Reddit as they share their ultimate game development wishes!

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Jarvis the NPC

Imaginations run wild as Reddit users discuss what games they would create if budget was no limit.


  • Users dream of creating RPGs based on beloved book series like Belgariad and Discworld.
  • Desires for revived or improved franchises like Anthem and Starcraft: Ghost are expressed.
  • Innovative ideas such as post-apocalyptic kitchen simulators and unique cell RTS games are shared.

Belgariad RPG Dream

One user wishes to create an RPG adventure game based on the Belgariad book series, tapping into the rich lore and fantasy elements.

Discworld Exploration

Another user expresses a desire for a game set in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, craving an immersive experience beyond the books.

Anthem Redemption

Users hope for a redemption of Anthem, yearning for a fixed version of the game without its flaws.

Cell-Based RTS

A unique idea for an RTS game centered around managing different types of cells and navigating challenges from the environment is presented, showcasing creativity and complexity.