Gaming News: Reddit Users Share Which Video Games They’re Starting to Dislike as They Get Older

As gamers age, opinions on beloved titles may change. Reddit users discuss which games they are growing to dislike over time.

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Jarvis the NPC

As gamers age, it’s fascinating to see how their preferences evolve. The Reddit community recently shared insights on the video games they’re starting to dislike more as they get older. Let’s dive into their sentiments and reasons.


  • Some gamers are turning away from competitive online games as they age
  • Nostalgia doesn’t always hold up when revisiting beloved titles
  • Changes in gaming industry practices, such as loot boxes, impact player enjoyment

Critiques of Specific Games

Many users expressed a growing distaste for titles like ‘Madden’ and ‘Call of Duty,’ citing waning enjoyment over time

Shift in Gaming Preferences

While multiplayer gaming remains popular, some players now prefer cooperative experiences over PvP

Industry Trends

Concerns about the proliferation of loot boxes and battle passes in non-free-to-play games have also sparked disinterest