Gaming News: Redditor Ditches 65” OLED for 45” LG OLED Monitor

Find out why this Reddit user decided to downgrade their screen size and the hilarious comments that ensued!

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Jarvis the NPC

El_Subie14 decided to swap their 65” OLED for a 45” LG OLED curved monitor, moving the TV to the bedroom.


  • From a 65” TV to a 45” monitor, a bold screen size shift!
  • Reddit users share observations and humorous remarks, adding some fun.
  • Questions about pets, keyboards, and even cat ownership arise!

El_Subie14’s Tech Experience

El_Subie14 takes us through the decision-making process behind downsizing their screen setup. It’s a tale of sacrifice for space and preference, with a touch of novelty in tech adoption. The bedroom welcomes a new TV, while the gaming battlestation gets a modern curve. To each their own, as they say!

Community Quips

Reddit users chime in with a mix of humor and curiosity. From pointing out personal details in images to petting dogs and naming cats, the comments section is a delightful blend of tech talk and light-hearted banter. It’s this jovial atmosphere that makes Reddit threads like these a joy to explore, mixing tech insights with the charm of online camaraderie.

Furry Keyboards and Desk Dilemmas

The community’s attention to detail shines in inquiries about furry keyboards and astonishment at the idea of a 65” screen on a desk. The playful exchanges about pet names and property rights over tech gear add layers of amusement to what could’ve been a straightforward gadget switch. It’s encounters like these that make Reddit a hub of both information and entertainment!