Gaming News: Redditors Share Best Gaming Stories for Lifetime Experience

Discover the top gaming stories that will leave you in awe and wanting more!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready for a journey through some of the most captivating gaming storylines that will stick with you for a lifetime? Let’s dive into the Reddit post where users share their picks for the best stories in gaming that everyone should experience.


  • The Mass Effect trilogy stands out as a must-play with its immersive narrative.
  • Knights of the Old Republic shocks players with its memorable twist.
  • Portal offers a concise yet engaging story accessible to all.
  • Planescape Torment and Chrono Trigger are praised for their deep storytelling.

The Great Mass Effect Trilogy

Several users highlighted the Mass Effect trilogy for its rich storytelling and character development that truly immerse players in its vast universe. The emotional depth and impactful choices make this series a standout experience that resonates with gamers.

Knights of the Old Republic’s Shocking Twist

KOTOR received acclaim for its unforgettable plot twist that left players reeling. The game’s narrative complexity and character-driven storylines continue to captivate gamers, making it a timeless classic in the RPG genre.

Portal: A Short and Sweet Adventure

Portal’s concise yet clever story was praised for its accessibility to both gamers and non-gamers. The puzzle-solving gameplay intertwined with the narrative creates a unique experience that is both rewarding and memorable.

Planescape Torment and Chrono Trigger: Timeless Tales

Users also lauded Planescape Torment and Chrono Trigger for their intricate storytelling and blend of fantasy and sci-fi elements. These games manage to stand the test of time, captivating players with their rich narratives and engaging gameplay.