Gaming News: Redditors Share Games with Excess Guns but Limited Use

Discover which games shower you with guns, but you'll find yourself sticking to just a couple while leaving the rest behind.

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking at popular games, it seems there are titles that give you an arsenal but only a few weapons seem worth your time. Redditors discuss their experiences with games that offer a plethora of firearms but end up utilizing only a select few.


  • Players gravitate towards only a couple of guns in some games, leaving the rest unused.
  • Limited weapon variety can lead to repetitive gameplay.
  • Strong guns often make others feel obsolete.

Dead Space: The First Gun is the Best Gun

According to MentokGL, the initial weapon in Dead Space reigns supreme over others, making additional guns feel unnecessary.

Bioshock Infinite: One Gun to Rule Them All

StannisLivesOn points out that in Bioshock Infinite, the carbine dominates all other choices, rendering situational weapons unused.

Far Cry 3: Stick to the Essentials

Jammer_Jim shares that after acquiring the SMG and LMG in Far Cry 3, most other guns are neglected, except for specific scenarios.

Unreal Tournament: Flak Cannon Frenzy

Rombledore expresses a strong preference for the Flak Cannon in Unreal Tournament, disregarding the need for alternative arms.