Gaming News: Reddit’s Dream Video Game and the Nightmare It Might Become

How would a video game made by Reddit users look? Let's just say it might be a nightmare.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Reddit users discuss creating a collective game.


  • Users envision chaos with conflicting ideas.
  • The game likely to be a mix of memes, discussions, and chaos.
  • Concerns about lack of cohesion and quality control.


Many believe Reddit’s game would be a chaotic hodgepodge of ideas, with conflicting opinions and little cohesion in gameplay. The amalgamation of diverse tastes could result in a mishmash of memes, discussions, and utter chaos.

User Predictions

Several users expressed skepticism about Reddit’s ability to create a coherent game, citing the platform’s tendency towards disjointed collaboration and lack of quality control. They foresee a project ridden with issues due to conflicting genres and preferences among users.

Community Concerns

Overall, the consensus seems to lean towards a belief that Reddit’s collaborative efforts in game development may not yield a successful outcome. The diversity of opinions and conflicting visions might lead to a messy and unplayable game. While the idea of a Reddit-designed game is intriguing, the practicality and feasibility raise doubts among users.