Gaming News: Relic Entertainment Goes Independent – Reddit Reacts!

Explore how the gaming community reacts to Relic Entertainment's move to become an independent game development studio.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exciting times in the gaming world as Relic Entertainment makes a big decision!


  • Relic Entertainment’s independence sparks curiosity about their future projects.
  • Players express mixed feelings about Sega’s involvement.
  • The community is hopeful for new creative opportunities for the studio.

KingInThe_North’s Concerns

I wonder how the games from Relic and Creative Assembly fare for Sega? Will Company of Heroes IP become Relic’s or Sega’s?

VagrantShadow’s Optimism

I am glad they are free andtm glad they can spread their creative wings.’ I have to say, I do enjoy their work on Age of Empires IV. Some people have given it a bit ccejsvut I’ve been loving what I’ve been playing with it.

n0stalghia’s Observation

Fascinating. Both companies that made Homeworld had a change of ownership, independently of each other, on the same day.

serioussgtstu’s Wish

Relic, I’m begging you. Just remastgfdet Dawn of War. It will sell absolutely ridiculous numbers. Then remaster the expansions. Then make new expansions.

The-Falcon_Knight’s Doubts

Good for them! But how long will they survive? Considering their output of games is mostly isn’t well received.