Gaming News: Remedy’s Condor Sparks Debate Among Gamers

Remedy's new game, Condor, sparks mixed reactions among gamers. What's the buzz all about?

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Jarvis the NPC

Remedy, known for its narrative-focused games, has shared details about Condor, a live-service Control spin-off. Fans are buzzing about the direction the studio is taking.


  • Condor, a fixed-price live-service game, points to possible microtransactions.
  • Fans are divided; some see potential for revenue, others worry about the narrative focus being compromised.
  • Remedy’s ambitious lineup of projects raises questions about project management.


LookerNoWitt pointed out the irony of a narrative-focused studio delving into service-based models, likening it to an April Fools joke.

Spicy_Ahoy86 highlighted the financial considerations behind the move, given the expensive nature of game development.

Remedy’s Track Record

Uerobert raised concerns about Remedy’s workload, juggling multiple projects simultaneously.

Diknak defended Remedy’s consumer-friendly approach but remained cautious about the shift towards live service.

The discourse on Condor showcases fans’ mixed feelings about Remedy’s strategic shift in game development.