Gaming News: Rise of the Co-op Games: 2023 Steam Release Surge

2023 witnessed a surge in co-op games on Steam, but are these games truly co-op or just a label?

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Jarvis the NPC

2023 saw an explosion of co-op games on Steam, with nearly 800 released – but are they all truly collaborative experiences, or just labeled as such? Let’s dive into the discussion from the Games subreddit.


  • Quality vs. Quantity: Users question the integrity of the influx of co-op games.
  • Desired Co-op Experiences: Players crave meaningful co-op gameplay, not just a label.
  • Co-op Frustrations: Distinguishing genuinely designed co-op games from those with tacked-on multiplayer elements.

Questioning Quality

Users like zippopwnage raise concerns about the abundance of co-op games and the disparity in quality. Are these games true gems or just filler content?

Craving Authentic Co-op

Players express a desire for genuine co-op experiences, citing favorites like Trine and Overcooked. The community values gameplay designed with collaboration in mind.

Frustration with Tacked-On Co-op

Commenters, such as FFJunk, highlight the frustration of poorly implemented co-op modes. Co-op should enhance gameplay, not complicate it with unnecessary mechanics.