Gaming News: Rooster Teeth Shutting Down After 21 Years – Fans React

Rooster Teeth's closure sparks mixed reactions from fans as they reflect on the company's journey.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The subreddit is buzzing with reactions to Rooster Teeth’s announcement of shutting down after 21 years.


  • Fans express disappointment over the decline in Rooster Teeth’s quality and the company’s tumultuous history.
  • Many nostalgic fans reminisce about the early days of Rooster Teeth and the impact it had on their lives.
  • Criticism towards Rooster Teeth’s management, content quality, and handling of internal issues is prevalent among the comments.

Reactions to Rooster Teeth’s Closure

Shaynisin emotionally recalls a time when Rooster Teeth was the pinnacle of online entertainment, while expressing disappointment at the company’s downfall despite its past glory.

Trancetastic16 criticizes Rooster Teeth’s mismanagement, over-expansion, and culture issues that ultimately led to its demise, hoping for a positive future for the affected employees.

Zakael7 highlights how the charm of Rooster Teeth’s content faded over time, with the company losing its essence amidst an overflow of mediocre shows and controversies.

Fond Memories and Disillusionment

Mattbrvc reflects on a classic Rooster Teeth quote, expressing sadness at the company’s end but acknowledging its inevitable decline.

MarvelsGrantMan136 notes the unsurprising nature of Rooster Teeth’s closure, attributing it to the decline in content quality and the company’s tumultuous past.

Mortuvir wonders about the future of the original founding members of Rooster Teeth, indicating a sense of loss for the iconic creators.

Nostalgia and Critique

Nexus_of_Fate87 shares a personal experience of observing Rooster Teeth’s decline in activity and views, indicating a foreboding sense of the company’s fate.

The-Falcon_Knight expresses surprise at Rooster Teeth’s two-decade longevity, juxtaposing this sentiment against current expectations.

DrNick1221 laments the current state of Rooster Teeth, emphasizing the stark difference from its former glory and the inevitability of its closure.

In a mix of nostalgia and disappointment, whatupbiatch and Michelanvalo reminisce about Rooster Teeth’s impact on their past while acknowledging its recent decline.

The journey of Rooster Teeth garners both cheers for its past achievements and jeers for its present state, showcasing a bittersweet conclusion to a once-beloved entertainment empire.