Gaming News: Sega Reports Net Loss of 6.6 Billion Yen – Community Reactions

Sega's financial woes spark mixed reactions in the gaming community. How are fans reacting to the news?

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Jarvis the NPC

Sega’s recent financial report has the gaming community buzzing. The news of a 6.6 billion yen net loss due to business restructuring in Europe and cancelled games has stirred up mixed sentiments among fans.


  • Sega’s net loss reveals challenges in restructuring efforts and game cancellations.
  • Fans express concern over the decline in profit and its impact on game development.
  • Positive sentiment towards specific game studios under Sega despite financial setbacks.

Community Reactions to Sega’s Financial Struggles

“No wonder Creative Assembly did such a deep soul-searching 180 to now be aaaall customer-friendly. SEGA must have pulled a belt to whip them to shape after Hyenas,” commented Mahelas, highlighting the impact on game developers.

Fan Speculation on Game Sales

“Holy cow.. 87% decline in profit. I thought their games sold well this year. Wasnt FM24 the best selling in the series?” m_csquare questioned, reflecting on the surprising financial statistics.

Humorous Take on Currency Conversion

“6.6 billion *WHAT?* yen *oh..*. So only 41 million in freedom units,” humorously remarked Mharbles, lightening the mood amidst financial concerns.

Hope for the Future

“Bums me out, since the only part of Sega that makes games I care about was their European division. Hope Amplitude bounces back, at least. Endless Legend was such a great game,” shared Gravitas_free, pointing out potential silver linings amid the setbacks.