Gaming News: Should I Accept a Publishing Offer Without Funding for My Game?

Should this indie dev take the publishing offer for his open-world farming game with no funding? Reddit gamers weigh in!

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Jarvis the NPC

Considering a publishing offer without funding? The reddit community has some advice on whether to take the leap or leave it. One indie dev seeks counsel on whether to accept a publishing offer for their open-world farming game, Sky Harvest, for Steam and consoles. The catch? The publisher isn’t providing any funding, leaving the dev to finance their dream game on their own.


  • Is the publishing offer worth it without funding?
  • Take caution with publishers who offer minimal support.
  • Insist on clarity and transparency before committing.

Community Insights

Many users express skepticism about the publishing offer, questioning the lack of funding and potential risks involved. User easedownripley advises against the deal, highlighting that a publisher without funding may not have confidence in the game’s success. They caution against wasting time on such arrangements.

User Thelastreturn suggests reaching out to other developers who have worked with the publisher to gather more insights and experiences before making a decision.

Industry Analysis

User Mutive emphasizes the importance of assessing what the publisher can offer that the developer lacks. They prompt developers to evaluate the potential benefits of partnering with a publisher in terms of advertising and sales. Calculating the value that a publisher could bring versus the share they require is crucial in making an informed decision.

Meanwhile, CalamityBayGames warns that publishers reaching out to relatively unknown developers may signal a potential scam, where the publisher aims to leverage any unexpected success of the game without providing substantial support.

Expert Advice

User NickCanCode raises concerns about the publisher’s intentions, questioning the necessity of handing over project source code with minimal upfront benefits. This user cautions against the possibility of the publisher using the source code for alternative projects in the future.

Overall, the reddit community advises the indie dev to tread carefully when considering the publishing offer. Transparency, trust, and clear communication with the publisher are essential factors to evaluate before making a decision that could impact the future of the game.