Gaming News: Skull and Bones Price Slashed by $25 – Reddit Reactions

Skull and Bones' price drop sparks mixed reactions from gamers on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sony’s latest move to slash the price of Skull and Bones by $25 has sent shockwaves through the gaming community.


  • Players disappointed in the game’s lack of originality
  • Frustration over the initial high price point
  • Speculation on the future of pirate-themed games


According to user Chessh2036, all Ubisoft had to do was take Black Flag and make a full pirate game. The lack of innovation seems to be a common complaint among gamers.


User 2000sCool jokes about slashing the price even further to entice potential buyers.


el_granCornholio criticizes the industry’s perception on pirate games, suggesting the genre may be considered dead based on sales.