Gaming News: Sony Secures Final Fantasy VII Trilogy as Console Exclusive

Sony's deal to keep Final Fantasy VII Trilogy as a console exclusive draws mixed reactions in the gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sony’s deal with Final Fantasy VII Trilogy as a console exclusive creates waves in the gaming community. The Washington Post claims Sony has secured the trilogy, sparking discussions across Reddit.


  • Views on Sony’s exclusive deal with Final Fantasy VII Trilogy vary.
  • Opinions are split between excitement and disappointment in the community.
  • Concerns raised about the impact on multi-platform accessibility and consumer choice.

The Speculations

Gene Park clarifies the FFVII trilogy’s exclusivity, correcting misunderstandings. The article now highlights only the Remake and Rebirth as Sony exclusive, leaving the trilogy’s status uncertain.

The Reactions

KobraKittyKat questions the trilogy’s availability on Xbox, assuming it may never reach the platform given its absence thus far.

The Discussions

Explosion2 recalls debates around Sony’s incentives to keep FF off Xbox, tying it to the Xbox/Activision case highlighting the ongoing platform wars.

The Latest

naaz0412 sheds light on key insights from the article, including exclusive part 3 development and challenges faced, praising the seamless world made possible by single-platform focus.

jackyflc expresses discontent with Sony’s practice of securing third-party exclusives, asserting the negative impact on cross-platform access and consumer choices.