Gaming News: STAR WARS Bounty Hunter Announcement Trailer Sparks Mixed Reactions

Excitement and skepticism abound as Aspyr unveils Star Wars: Bounty Hunter reboot. Fans wary after previous mishaps.

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement and skepticism fill the air as Aspyr announces the reboot of ‘Star Wars: Bounty Hunter’. Fans express mixed emotions towards the upcoming release.


  • Aspyr’s track record with past Star Wars games leaves many fans cautious about the quality of the upcoming port.
  • Players hope for significant improvements in graphics, gameplay, and control tweaks in the reboot.
  • Concerns arise over Aspyr’s ability to deliver a polished gaming experience based on past project issues.

Fans’ Sentiments

“Aren’t these the people that completely messed up the Battlefront remasters?” – GiveMeIcePuns questions Aspyr’s capability.

“Will the PC port be a bafflingly designed mess like their last project? Or have they suddenly figured out how to port videogames properly?” – Janus_Prospero reflects on Aspyr’s inconsistent performance.

“It’s a damn shame that Aspyr has ruined so many remasters” – MarthePryde expresses disappointment in Aspyr’s past remaster attempts.


Players eagerly anticipate potential control tweaks and improvements in the upcoming release, hoping for a polished experience on the new-gen platform.

“My one hope for this release is that there are some control tweaks, but it looks like a straight up new-gen port?” – HuskerBusker shares expectations for the reboot.

“Game would be immensely more playable if it had a weapon wheel instead of scrolling through weapons one by one.” – PolarSparks suggests quality-of-life improvements for a better gameplay experience.

Graphics and Gameplay

“I played a little bit of this recently and was blown away by how well its gameplay has aged.” – SidFarkus47 praises the game’s enduring appeal.

“Also, does this look like they touched up the graphics/lighting more than Aspyr has been doing for these?” – SidFarkus47 questions the level of enhancement in the reboot.

The fan base’s reactions highlight a mix of excitement for the game’s return and concern over Aspyr’s ability to deliver a satisfactory gaming experience.