Gaming News: Star Wars Outlaws Goes Gold – Reddit Reactions

Star Wars Outlaws has gamers curious and a mix of excitement and skepticism in the Reddit community!

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement and skepticism brew in the gaming community as Star Wars Outlaws goes gold, sparking diverse reactions on Reddit.


  • Despite anticipation, gamers express curiosity towards Star Wars Outlaws’ reviews.
  • Reddit users debate the perceived negativity surrounding the game, comparing it to Jedi Survivor.
  • Players are intrigued by the open-world concept and 30-hour gameplay promises.

Curiosity Abounds

DanM142 expressed eagerness for reviews, hinting at high expectations for the game’s reception. Will Star Wars Outlaws meet the hype?

Debating Negativity

wingspantt questions the online backlash, defending the game’s quality compared to Jedi Survivor. Are expectations too high or justified?

Intriguing Gameplay

milkasaurs finds solace in the game’s promised 30-hour open-world experience, contrasting it with their endurance run in AC Valhalla. Will Star Wars Outlaws deliver on its lengthy adventure promise?

Star Wars Outlaws has ignited a blend of anticipation and doubt in the gaming community, setting the stage for varied opinions and expectations.