Gaming News: Star Wars Strategy Game Stays Strong Amidst Respawn Layoffs

Discover reactions to Respawn's layoffs and the surprising resilience of a Star Wars strategy game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Get the latest Gaming News on the resilience of a Star Wars strategy game in the face of Respawn’s recent layoffs.


  • Players amazed at a non-shooter/RPG Star Wars game.
  • Confusion over canceling FPS but keeping strategy.
  • Questioning strategy’s appeal without popular genre backing.

Gamers’ Reactions

The subreddit exploded with mixed reactions to Respawn’s decisions last week. User dragoonrj kicked things off with a simple but pressing question, ‘What strategy game?’ This set the tone…

Surprise and Disbelief

Grooveh_Baby expressed widespread surprise when they commented, ‘Oh damn, a SW game that isn’t a shooter or RPG? Fucking finally.’ This sentiment seemed to resonate with many users who were tired of the typical Star Wars genres dominating the market…

Genre Popularity vs. Game Choice

shikaski’s comment delved into the perplexity shared by many, ‘How do you cancel FPS game and then keep the strategy project alive? How does that make any sense whatsoever? I’m talking purely from genre popularity standpoint.’ This spawned a debate…

Final Thoughts

The gaming community’s reactions showcase a mix of surprise, skepticism, and curiosity towards the unique direction Respawn is taking with the Star Wars strategy game. It’s clear that players are eager to see how this unconventional choice will unfold in the gaming landscape.