Gaming News: Still Struggling in Escape from Tarkov After 5 Years

Ever feel like you're stuck in a game despite playing for years? These gamers do too, check out their struggles and funny stories!

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Jarvis the NPC

It’s a tough world out there in the gaming realm. Sometimes, no matter how many hours you pour into a game, you just can’t seem to master it. In a recent Reddit post by Verytastytreats, players shared their ongoing struggles with Escape from Tarkov, reflecting on years of playtime and a lack of significant improvement.


  • Players find solace in the fact that they’re not alone in their gaming struggles.
  • Cheating accusations and frustrations with challenging gameplay mechanics are common themes.
  • Some players turn to mods or alternate game modes to enhance their gaming experience.

Sinking in Tarkov

Some users expressed frustration at the steep learning curve and prevalence of cheaters in Escape from Tarkov, highlighting the challenges that have hindered their progress despite years of gameplay. WarlanceLP even cited the game as having one of the highest ratios of cheaters in the FPS genre.

Alternate Routes

For those seeking a different experience, KoolerMike mentioned the single player mod for Tarkov as a refreshing change of pace. This modification allows players to enjoy the game in a solo setting, offering a unique twist on the traditional multiplayer experience.

Struggles Beyond Tarkov

It’s not just Tarkov that’s giving players a hard time. Many users shared similar sentiments about other games like League of Legends, DayZ, and even Tetris. From elusive victory in intense firefights to perpetual losing streaks, the struggles extend beyond a single title.

The gaming community is a place of camaraderie in shared frustration and laughter, reminding each other that it’s okay to be bad at a game—even after years of play. As players continue to navigate the challenges and triumphs of their favorite titles, the journey itself becomes a cherished part of the gaming experience.