Gaming News: Stray or Outer Wilds – Reddit Users Share Their Recommendations

Gamers debate the choice between Stray and Outer Wilds in a Reddit post. See what users recommend!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A Reddit user asks for opinions on whether to buy Stray or Outer Wilds given a limited budget alongside other game purchases.


  • Stray offers cute cats and good vibes, while Outer Wilds is a mind-bending sci-fi puzzle game with an existential narrative.

Braefost’s Recommendation

According to Braefost, Stray is great for a casual experience, while Outer Wilds offers a deep, immersive journey into sci-fi puzzles and storytelling.

AshyLarry25’s Take

AshyLarry25 suggests that Outer Wilds stands out as one of the best games, but acknowledges Stray’s charm and relaxing gameplay.

Budget_Working2248’s Insight

For Budget_Working2248, Outer Wilds provides a profound experience that resonates long after playing, praising its artistic qualities.

Reddit users lean towards recommending Outer Wilds over Stray for its impactful gameplay and storytelling. While Stray offers a lighter experience, if you’re looking for a deep sci-fi adventure, Outer Wilds seems to be the preferred choice among gamers.