Gaming News: Take-Two Acquires Gearbox and Confirms New Borderlands Game Excites Fans

Take-Two's acquisition of Gearbox and new Borderlands game news sparks mixed emotions among fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The acquisition of Gearbox by Take-Two and the announcement of a new Borderlands game has gamers buzzing with excitement and apprehension. Fans have taken to Reddit to discuss their thoughts on this latest development.


  • Take-Two’s purchase of Gearbox has fans hopeful for the future of the Borderlands franchise.
  • Some fans express concerns about the direction Gearbox might take under new ownership.
  • Questions arise about the fate of other franchises like Brothers in Arms.

Fans’ Reactions to Take-Two’s Acquisition

Many users believe that Take-Two, as the publisher of Borderlands, was the natural choice to acquire Gearbox. User dabor11 expressed, ‘It stands to reason that Take-Two, holding the publishing rights to Borderlands, would be the primary candidate for acquiring Gearbox.’

On the flip side, Mopman43 joked, ‘I always forget that they weren’t already owned by Take-Two.’ This sentiment highlights the strong association between Gearbox and the Borderlands series.

Concerns About Gearbox’s Future

User -BluBone- lamented, ‘Someone buy Eidos-Montreal. Let these people make video games.’ This comment reflects concerns about the impact of corporate ownership on creative freedom within gaming studios.

Fans also wonder about the fate of other franchises under Gearbox’s umbrella. User gtobiast13 asked, ‘So, does this mean we can eventually get a follow up to Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway?’

Potential for Borderlands Sequel

naytreox discussed what they hope to see in the new Borderlands game, saying, ‘Hope they can write a better story this time, id take the stuff they did for TTWL and the DLC for BL3* and use that as examples.’

But not everyone is optimistic. ReadShigurui simply asked, ‘Is this good or bad,’ capturing the mixed emotions surrounding this announcement.