Gaming News: TEKKEN 8 Eddy Gordo Gameplay Trailer Receives Mixed Reactions

TEKKEN 8's Eddy Gordo gameplay trailer sparks controversy among fans. What are players buzzing about?

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Jarvis the NPC

TEKKEN 8’s Eddy Gordo gameplay trailer has stirred up the gaming community, with fans expressing mixed opinions on the reveal. Some are excited, while others have concerns about certain aspects of the character. Let’s dive into the Reddit post and see what players are discussing.


  • Fans are divided over the new hairstyle of Eddy Gordo and hope for more customization options.
  • Some players find the character’s accent inauthentic and out of place.
  • Concerns raised about the accessibility of practicing against DLC characters without owning them.

The Great Hair Debate

One user, brownninja97, expressed disdain for Eddy Gordo’s new hairstyle, stating, “I hope they have his old hair style in the customization, I can’t stand this overused swept to the side dreads that no one in reality uses.” Others, like EdliA, echoed similar sentiments, questioning the prevalence of this hair trend in the game.

Eddy’s Popularity and Playability

Jinyax raised an interesting point about Eddy’s utilization, noting, “I barely saw any Eddys in T7, in any of the ranks.” This user hopes that Eddy will see more action in TEKKEN 8 due to his historic significance in the series.

Cultural Authenticity

Get-the-Vibe critiqued Eddy’s portrayal, particularly his Brazilian accent, saying, “NO BRAZILIAN TALKS SO CLEAN LIKE THAT.” This comment sparked a debate on the character’s authenticity and representation, with some users questioning the accuracy of his voice portrayal.

This diverse range of opinions showcases the passionate discussions that arise within the gaming community whenever a beloved franchise introduces changes. Players’ attachment to characters and their authenticity highlights the significance of immersion and realism in game design. As TEKKEN 8 continues to generate buzz, it’s clear that each detail, from hair styles to accents, plays a crucial role in shaping players’ experiences and perceptions.