Gaming News: Tekken Director’s Waffle House Stage Requests

Tekken players flooded the subreddit with requests for a Waffle House fighting stage, sparking a humorous debate.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a quirky turn of Gaming News, Tekken players are vigorously petitioning for a Waffle House stage in the game. It seems like the Director is facing an unusual but enthusiastic request from the community.


  • Players are lobbying for a Waffle House stage in Tekken
  • Humorous suggestions like ‘Maffle House’ and ‘Popeye’s level’ were proposed
  • Comparisons to movie scenes featuring diners as fighting stages were drawn

Community Reactions

One user pointed out how diners are a classic scene in movies but surprisingly uncommon in games. The consensus was that it’s a missed opportunity in the gaming world.

Product Placement Hijinks

Another user humorously suggested renaming the Waffle House stage to ‘Maffle House’ for legal reasons, sparking a series of creative name-change ideas.

Endless Possibilities

The community brainstormed other fast-food restaurant stages, with suggestions like a Popeye’s level thrown into the mix. The overall sentiment was one of amusement and creativity.