Gaming News: Temtem’s Major Updates to Cease with Removal of Monetization

Temtem development dilemma: Halt major updates, ditch in-game purchases in final patch!

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Jarvis the NPC

The community’s abuzz with the news of Temtem ceasing major updates and axing monetization in the final patch. This bold move has sparked mixed reactions among players.


  • Temtem announces the end of major updates along with the removal of monetization.
  • Players appreciate the developer’s transparency and commitment to making in-game purchases accessible with in-game currency.
  • Some critique Temtem for focusing too much on PvP elements, while others praise its unique monster-catching gameplay.
  • Community members express diverse opinions on the MMO aspects of the game, with some wanting an offline mode.

Developer Transparency

The community commends Temtem’s developers for their openness regarding the decision to halt major updates and eliminate monetization. Players appreciate the effort to make all items obtainable through in-game progression, a rare occurrence in the gaming industry.

PvP Concerns

While some players laud Temtem’s innovation in expanding PvP features, others argue that the focus on competitive play detracts from the game’s core experience. Comparisons to other successful titles like Palworld highlight differing player preferences.

Gameplay Experience

Opinions on Temtem’s MMO elements vary, with some enjoying the multiplayer aspects and others finding them lacking. Suggestions for a potential transition to a single-player or co-op format reflect the community’s desire for diverse gameplay options.

Monetization and Accessibility

Players express varying stances on the removal of monetization, with some welcoming the change as a positive step towards consumer-friendly practices. Calls for an offline mode emphasize the importance of accessibility and player choice in gaming experiences.

The announcement of Temtem’s shift in development direction has ignited a range of responses from players, showcasing the diverse perspectives within the gaming community. While some appreciate the developer’s commitment to player satisfaction and accessibility, others express concerns about the game’s future direction. As Temtem ventures into a new phase without major updates and in-game purchases, the player base eagerly anticipates the impact of these changes on the overall gameplay experience.