Gaming News: The Catholic Church Is About to Canonize Its First Gamer Saint

The Catholic Church prepares to canonize its first gamer saint, stirring mixed reactions in the gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

It’s Gaming News time! The Catholic Church is making waves by set to canonize its first gamer saint, sparking a mix of reactions across the gaming community. This news has raised eyebrows and piqued curiosity among gamers worldwide. Some see it as a cool and unique acknowledgment of a gamer’s impact beyond the virtual realm, while others express skepticism and humor about the criteria for sainthood in this digital age. Let’s dive into the Reddit post and see what the gamers are saying!


  • Gamers discuss the canonization of a gamer saint by the Catholic Church.
  • Some question the qualification of the saint due to limited gaming hours.
  • The miracles associated with the potential saint spark skepticism and humor in the community.

Not Your Average Halo Player

Commenters like JCarterMMA point out the discrepancy in the saint’s gaming habits, playing only an hour a week but reportedly enjoying titles like Halo and Mario. This leads to humorous skepticism among gamers regarding the saint’s gamer credentials.

Miracles or Video Game Cheats?

DegenerateOnCross’s sarcastic take on the miracles attributed to the potential saint highlights the rigorous standards set by the Church. The comment’s tone reflects a blend of skepticism and amusement, questioning the process of sainthood in relation to these unusual events.

Redefining Church Traditions

IAmTheClayman offers a humorous reimagination of church rituals dedicated to the gamer saint. Gamers engage in playful banter, envisioning a quirky and game-themed religious experience that showcases the community’s creativity and light-hearted approach to the news.

Throughout the discussions on Reddit, gamers showcase a mix of skepticism, humor, and creativity in response to the unique announcement by the Catholic Church. This unconventional intersection of gaming and religion has sparked a lively conversation that showcases the diverse perspectives within the gaming community.