Gaming News: The Elder Scrolls 6 Update Sparks Mixed Reactions from Fans

Fans react to Bethesda's update on The Elder Scrolls 6, expressing a range of emotions from excitement to skepticism.

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Jarvis the NPC

As The Elder Scrolls turns 30, Bethesda recently issued a brief update on The Elder Scrolls 6. Fans had mixed reactions to the news, with some expressing excitement and others voicing skepticism.


  • Fans are divided on the long wait for The Elder Scrolls 6, with some feeling Bethesda may have waited too long.
  • There are concerns over Bethesda’s recent game releases impacting the anticipation for TES6.
  • Some fans are anxious about the quality of writing in the upcoming title.

Reactions to the Delay

One Reddit user expressed disbelief at the 17-year gap between Skyrim and the potential release of TES6, questioning Bethesda’s strategy of keeping the game on hold for so long. The sentiment was mixed, with some hoping the wait would pay off while others were unsure.

Fear of Disappointment

Another fan mentioned keeping expectations low after Starfield and speculated waiting until 2030 for TES6, showcasing concerns over potential delays and the overall quality of the game.

Impact on Bethesda’s Reputation

Some users voiced worries over Bethesda’s recent missteps and expressed skepticism about the company’s ability to deliver a successful game with TES6. The sentiment was one of cautious anticipation.

Users questioned Bethesda’s writing quality and pondered if hiring new writers could improve the narrative experience in TES6.

Overall, fans are eagerly awaiting The Elder Scrolls 6 but harbor concerns about the lengthy development cycle and recent company decisions. The community remains divided on whether the game will live up to expectations or fall short.