Gaming News: The First Descendant Soars Up The Charts Despite Mixed Reviews

The First Descendant, a new multiplayer game, is gaining traction despite mixed feedback. Find out what players really think!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A new multiplayer game, The First Descendant, has sparked mixed reactions among players. Let’s dive into the discussions on Reddit to uncover the sentiment surrounding this title.


  • Players find the gameplay enjoyable despite uninspired story elements.
  • Positive feedback on the auto-grouping feature for quests.
  • Concerns raised about the game’s performance on PS5 and visual clutter.
  • Some players criticize the reliance on fanservice rather than game quality.

Player Experience

Many players have highlighted the enjoyable gameplay mechanics of The First Descendant, praising features like the auto-grouping system that enhances questing experiences.

Visual Performance

However, there are complaints about the game’s performance, particularly on the PS5, where the visual clutter makes it challenging to navigate environments and engage with enemies effectively.

Quality Concerns

Some players have expressed disappointment in the game’s reliance on fanservice, noting that it may indicate a lack of confidence in the core gameplay and storytelling elements.

Community Impact

While The First Descendant has attracted attention and players due to its free-to-play model, concerns linger regarding its long-term retention and the depth of its multiplayer experience.

Overall, player sentiments towards The First Descendant are mixed, with varying opinions on its gameplay, narrative, and overall appeal.