Gaming News: The First Descendant’s Microtransaction System Sparks Debate Among Players

Players are divided over the microtransaction system in The First Descendant. Is it fair or too pricey?

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Jarvis the NPC

The First Descendant’s microtransaction system has stirred up a storm among gamers. The gameplay seems exciting, but the implementation of the monetization strategy is causing quite a buzz in the community.


  • Players express concerns over the steep costs of upgrades compared to similar games.
  • The one-time use cosmetics have received criticism for their pricing model.
  • Some players appreciate the transparency in real money conversions within the game.
  • Comparisons to other games like Warframe highlight the differences in monetization approaches.

Mixed Feelings on Upgrades

Many users lamented the high cost of upgrades in The First Descendant, drawing comparisons to Warframe. One player commented, ‘Its almost 20x the cost of Warframe for practically the same upgrade mats.’ The steep grind required for various upgrades left players feeling frustrated and deterred.

Cosmetics Controversy

The one-time use cosmetics in the game also drew ire from the community. A player expressed their displeasure, stating, ‘god do I hate that paints for dying your skins are a one-time use.’ The pricing model for these consumable cosmetics was perceived as unfair and unfriendly to players.

Transparency and Comparisons

Despite the criticisms, some players appreciated the transparency in real money conversions within the game. One user noted, ‘One thing I do have to give First Descendant some acknowledgement for is that it’s easy to see how much something costs in real money vs the games premium currency.’ Comparisons to Warframe highlighted both similarities and disparities in monetization strategies, leading to mixed feelings among players.

The feedback on The First Descendant’s microtransaction system showcases the diverse perspectives within the gaming community. While some players appreciate certain aspects of the game’s approach to monetization, others express concerns over the pricing and grind-heavy mechanics. As the debate continues, it’s clear that players have strong opinions when it comes to microtransactions and their impact on gameplay experiences.