Gaming News: The Lack of Silly Games in the Market

Users bemoan the absence of lighthearted, silly games in today's market, craving a return to whimsical experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you noticed the glaring absence of whimsical, silly games in the current gaming market? It seems like we are inundated with PvP, Open World, and Survival/Crafting titles, leaving players nostalgic for the lighthearted experiences of old.


  • Players yearn for more silly, light-hearted games in a market saturated with serious titles.
  • Indie games are praised for their ability to offer quirky, funny experiences.
  • Many gamers long for the return of AAA silly games like Ratchet and Clank.

The Insatiable Craving for Whimsy

One user lamented the lack of AAA silly games in the market, pointing out that while indie games excel in this field, the mainstream industry seems focused on more serious genres.

Indie Gems Shine Bright

Another user recommended the Yakuza/Like a Dragon games for their hilarity and insanity, showcasing the unique humor indie titles can bring to the table.

Nostalgia for the Golden Age of Goofiness

Many gamers shared the sentiment of missing classic silly titles like Outworld and Earthworm Jim, expressing a desire for more goofy adventures.

Whether it’s a trip down memory lane with Jak 2 or a recommendation for a couch co-op experience in Guacamele, players are actively seeking out those games that offer a lighter, comedic touch in a sea of seriousness.