Gaming News: The Latest on Steam Input and Controller Support

Discover the growing pains and triumphs of Steam Input and controller support in the gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The Reddit post delves into the evolving landscape of Steam Input and controller support. Users share their experiences, frustrations, and hopes for the future.


  • Steam Input praised for simplifying controller connectivity.
  • Desire for customizable button prompts in games.
  • Users express mixed experiences with controller setup across different launchers.
  • Discussion on market share between Xbox and PlayStation controllers.

The Evolution of Steam Input

Users applaud Steam Input for eliminating past struggles with various controller configurations, streamlining gameplay experiences.

Customization Woes

Players express frustration with the lack of options for custom button prompts in games, emphasizing the need for more user-friendly interfaces.

Mixed Launcher Experiences

Players detail their struggles with integrating controllers across different gaming launchers, highlighting the challenges of inconsistent setups.

Controller Preferences Debate

Debates ensue over the market share and features of Xbox and PlayStation controllers, as users share their shifting preferences based on platform usage.

The Reddit post sheds light on the ongoing journey towards seamless controller integration and the community’s diverse experiences and perspectives.