Gaming News: The Madness of Dungeon Crawling Revealed

Unraveling the absurdity of dungeon crawling games through the eyes of gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of dungeon crawling games, have you ever stopped and thought, ‘Why would someone do all this?’ From collecting gems to navigating through temples of doom, gamers are questioning the logic behind these epic quests.


  • Exploring the insanity behind dungeon designs in games like Zelda
  • Ridiculous puzzles and illogical placements leave gamers scratching their heads
  • Reflecting on the humorous aspects of unrealistic game environments

Insane Temple Designs

Games like Ocarina of Time showcase temples flooded for no reason and invisible to the naked eye. The architects must have been on some serious hallucinogens to create such bewildering structures.

Questionable Game Realism

Players ponder the presence of merchants in treacherous locations and the absurd ease of finding crucial keys in proximity to locked doors. The lack of realism often breaks immersion.

Creative Game Interpretations

One gamer envisioned a Legend of Zelda game where the protagonist hides loot after defeating enemies, providing a unique twist on the traditional gameplay loop.