Gaming News: The Madness of Putting Mics in Controllers – Reddit Outcry

Gamers rage as mics in controllers cause chaos in multiplayer games. Is this a feature gone wrong?

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The Reddit community is up in arms over the implementation of mics in controllers, as shown in a recent post from Disastrous_Ad626.


  • Users frustrated with unintended consequences of mic feature.
  • Many experience controller sound interference in multiplayer games.
  • Players resort to muting others due to annoying noises.

Outrage Over Mic Interference

Disastrous_Ad626’s frustration is shared by many who encounter unwanted rumbling sounds…

Noisy Multiplayer Experience

SLAV33 reflects the annoyance of default settings triggering controller noises…

Parental Woes and Musical Surprises

Warning_Low_Battery and Kalos9990 share humorous and relatable incidents…

Mic Feature Debate

reboot-your-computer offers a balanced perspective on the mic feature but acknowledges its drawbacks…