Gaming News: The Maze Controversy – Easy Entertainment or Child’s Play?

Exploring the uproar over a seemingly simple maze in the IndieDev subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A maze in the IndieDev subreddit is stirring up a frenzy, with users debating its difficulty and design elements. The post, titled ‘Can you find your way through?’.


  • Users express mixed feelings on the maze’s simplicity.
  • Some suggest adding challenges like fog of war for heightened difficulty.
  • One user appreciates the puzzle for its straightforward enjoyment.

Debating the Maze

Some users find the maze too easy, proposing ways to make it more challenging. One user suggests a fog of war mechanic to increase difficulty, while others offer quick solutions to the puzzle.

A Delightful Distraction

On the contrary, some users appreciate the simplicity and visual appeal of the maze. One user enjoys the puzzle without any additional elements, finding it a refreshing break from complex games.

Controversy Strikes

Despite varying opinions, the maze sparks debate within the community. While some view it as a fun diversion, others critique its lack of challenge and suggest improvements for future designs.