Gaming News: The Most Disappointing Video Game Endings According to Reddit

Exploring gamers' reactions to the most frustrating and confusing endings in video games, as discussed on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever reached the end of a game only to be left completely disappointed or confused? Well, that seems to be a common sentiment among many gamers, as discussed in a recent Reddit post.


  • Game endings can make or break the entire gaming experience.
  • Many gamers feel let down by endings that lack closure or intensity.
  • Disappointment often stems from unfulfilled expectations and unresolved plotlines.

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2

One user highlighted *Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2*, criticizing its lack of a proper ending and the setup for a sequel that never materialized.

Dying Light

Another Redditor expressed disappointment with the anticlimactic ending of the first Dying Light, feeling let down by a lackluster final boss encounter.


A user lamented the abrupt ending of Rage, where a promising showdown with the authorities’ regime is cut short, leaving players hanging without a final fight.

Shadow of Mordor

One player was frustrated by the lack of a final boss battle in Shadow of Mordor, coupled with an unsatisfying sequel setup at the conclusion.