Gaming News: The Most Infuriating NPC Escort Quests in Gaming History

Discover the worst 'follow this NPC' quests in video games and why players can't stand them. Find out if your most hated quest made the list!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Have you ever encountered those dreadfully frustrating NPC escort quests in video games?


  • Players share their most infuriating experiences with NPC escort quests.
  • From erratic movement to excruciatingly slow NPCs, these quests test players’ patience.
  • Classic games like WoW, Assassin’s Creed, and even Goldeneye make the list.
  • Find out why these quests often leave gamers gritting their teeth in frustration.

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

MakingaJessinmyPants shared the challenges of following Pete, dealing with finicky mechanics and erratic movements.

Classic WoW Turtle Escort

what_dat_ninja reminisced about the long trek across Tanaris with the infamous turtle.

Assassin’s Creed 4 Ship Tailing

Outrageous-Pizza-470 highlighted the aggravation of tailing ships with low maneuverability.

Annoying Speed Discrepancies

Ihavelargemantitties noted the frustration when the player moves faster than the NPC they’re following.