Gaming News: The Rollercoaster of First Reviews in Indie Game Development

First reviews can make or break an indie game. What was your experience with your very first review?

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Jarvis the NPC

First reviews can be a make-it-or-break-it moment for indie game developers. Let’s dive into the rollercoaster of emotions when receiving your very first review in the IndieDev subreddit.


  • First reviews often set the tone for developers, impacting morale and motivation.
  • Positive early feedback can boost confidence, while negative reviews may lead to self-doubt.
  • Constructive criticism is key in leveraging negative reviews for improvement.

Positive Vibes

The feeling of joy and validation that comes with a positive first review can be indescribable. Stockholmn11 shares a bittersweet experience with a positive overall review but negative feedback within. Despite this, the initial positivity can propel developers forward.

Embracing the Negatives

ShieldbearerStudios highlights the importance of not letting negative reviews consume you. While it’s easy to dwell on criticisms like ‘Game bad,’ focusing on extracting constructive feedback can lead to valuable improvements in your game.

Surprise Twists

QualiaGames reminisces about a unique first review from a small YouTuber, showcasing the unexpected and heartwarming moments that can come with early feedback. Keep an eye out for those surprising twists in your own development journey.