Gaming News: TRIBES 3: Rivals Early Access March 12th – Subreddit Buzz

TRIBES 3: Rivals is causing a stir in the gaming community with early access coming soon. Find out what players are buzzing about!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: TRIBES 3: Rivals is generating excitement as it gears up for early access. Players on the subreddit have mixed reactions, voicing their opinions on the game’s features and potential shortcomings.


  • Players crave bigger maps and more immersive environments.
  • Some commend the skiing and disc-launching mechanics reminiscent of previous Tribes games.
  • Others express concerns over the lack of certain classic elements like vehicles and base defense.
  • The game is currently undergoing public testing on Steam, allowing players to experience it firsthand.
  • Player Reactions

    mezzfit: “I just want some bigger maps. At least one that I couldn’t see from one side to the other would be nice, even if it was just a copy of raindance…”

    Eyes_Only1: “Is this going to be a skiing, disc-launching fest too? Because that’s what I want honestly.”

    digiad: “The lackluster map design hampers the overall experience, needing more creativity and aesthetics to engage players fully.”

    MyLemonsRorganic: “The game falls short of being a true successor to the series, lacking essential elements that defined Tribes beyond just its gameplay mechanics.”

    Community Speculation

    Wendigo120: “I’m kind of surprised this isn’t going free to play. Worried that it’s very quickly going to have trouble filling lobbies.”

    zocksupreme: “I really wish them the best but I think they will have a hard time attracting younger gamers to this series.”