Gaming News: Trust Issues in Video Games – A Gamer’s Dilemma

Do you trust your game saves? Gamers express their struggles with checkpoints and saves in popular video games.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever felt like your game checkpoints are out to get you? Some Reddit users certainly do! In a recent thread on trust issues in gaming, users shared their frustrations and fears about losing progress.


  • Gamers struggle with trust issues related to saving progress in games.
  • Instances of autosave failures have led to significant setbacks.
  • Manual saving frequently becomes a precautionary habit for many players.

Autosave Anxieties

Some players highlighted their experiences with autosave mishaps, recalling instances where critical saves failed them, causing frustrating restarts and losses of progress. The fear of a failed autosave haunting their gameplay lingers.

Manual Saving Mania

Manual saving emerges as a popular coping mechanism among gamers, with many users admitting to saving excessively to mitigate the risks of losing progress. While it may seem obsessive, these measures provide a sense of security and control over their gaming fate.

Strategic Saving Habits

Players share their unique approaches to saving progress strategically, whether it’s saving before crucial moments or after significant achievements. Developing saving rituals has become a common practice to combat trust issues in gaming.