Gaming News: Ubisoft Layoffs Spark Outrage Among Gaming Community

Ubisoft's recent layoffs of 33 employees for 'ambitious roadmap' faces backlash from gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Arthur_Morgan44469 shared how Ubisoft Toronto laid off 33 employees after working on the Sands of Time remake. Users expressed concerns over this decision.


  • Users criticize Ubisoft’s layoffs as counterintuitive to achieving goals.
  • Concerns raised over the company’s motives and treatment of employees.
  • Gamers question the impact on game development and company culture.

Ubisoft’s Actions

Many users questioned how laying off employees contributes to achieving ambitious goals. User radda expressed skepticism, questioning the decision’s true intentions.

Employee Impact

Dany_Targaryenlol highlighted the importance of considering the total salary of the 33 employees before the layoff decision was made.

Company Motives

Some users, like ARreallyAsianName, speculated that the layoffs were driven by a desire for higher bonuses for top executives rather than achieving company goals.

Gamer Sentiments

Kitakitakita criticized gamers who continue to support Ubisoft financially, stating that it enables such behavior within the company.

AlamarAtReddit questioned the rationale behind reducing the workforce to supposedly increase productivity, reflecting on the impact on remaining employees.

Despite Ubisoft’s intentions, the gaming community is voicing its disapproval of the company’s recent actions, expressing concerns over the potential consequences for both employees and game development.