Gaming News: Ubisoft Updates Fans on Beyond Good & Evil 2 Development

Ubisoft's 'Beyond Good & Evil 2' sparks mixed reactions as fans question its prolonged development.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ubisoft recently updated fans on the development progress of ‘Beyond Good & Evil 2’, stirring a range of reactions among gaming enthusiasts. Is the game doomed to development hell or will it defy expectations?


  • Ubisoft’s confirmation of ‘Beyond Good & Evil 2’ still in development sparks skepticism and frustration among fans.
  • Some users draw parallels between the game’s prolonged development and infamous titles like Duke Nukem Forever.
  • Concerns arise over the game being a prequel without Jade and Peyj, leading to doubts about its relevance.
  • Fans express disbelief at the extensive timeline of over 16 years for the sequel’s development.

Reactions to Ubisoft’s Update

One user sarcastically noted, “confirms for the 29th time 😭😭,” capturing the repetitive cycle of reassurances from Ubisoft. Another user humorously quipped, “How many A’s do they think this one is worth I wonder,” highlighting the anticipation surrounding the game’s quality. The sentiment of skepticism was further reinforced by one user who likened the game’s fate to a potential Duke Nukem Forever disaster.

Frustrations with Prolonged Development

Users expressed frustration at the extended development timeline, with one user pointing out the stark difference in the gaming landscape since the game’s initial announcement in 2008. The sentiment of resignation was evident in comments like, “At this point, just give it up,” indicating the growing disillusionment among fans.

Comparison to Other Titles

Comparisons to other long-awaited games like Star Citizen and Skull and Bones were drawn, with users questioning Ubisoft’s ability to deliver on their promises. The skepticism was palpable in comments such as, “And I thought Star Citizen had a long development,” reflecting the prevailing doubt surrounding ‘Beyond Good & Evil 2’.

In the ever-evolving realm of gaming, the anticipation for ‘Beyond Good & Evil 2’ remains intertwined with skepticism and uncertainty. Will Ubisoft defy expectations and deliver a masterpiece, or is the game destined to fade into obscurity amidst the shadows of prolonged development?