Gaming News: Understanding the Controversy Surrounding Turn-Based Combat in Video Games

Why do some people hate turn-based combat in games? Dive into the passionate debates and opinions from gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The debate over turn-based combat in video games has sparked heated discussions in the gaming community. Some players passionately defend it, while others dismiss it with equal fervor.


  • Turn-based combat offers strategic depth that appeals to some players but may feel slow or repetitive to others.
  • Players have varied preferences, with some enjoying the tactical aspect while others seek more action-packed gameplay.
  • The debate often centers around the perceived limitations of turn-based systems compared to real-time combat options.

Celtic_Crown’s Take

According to user Celtic_Crown, turn-based combat can be criticized for being too slow for some players, but it also allows for strategic planning, a feature they appreciate. They find joy in mapping out their moves before execution.

lliiraanna’s Insights

User lliiraanna highlights the diversity in player preferences, noting that turn-based combat suits those who enjoy strategizing and solving challenges like puzzles. However, they acknowledge that not everyone seeks the same experience in gaming, leading to varied opinions on its merit.

SadLaser’s Perspective

For user SadLaser, the dislike towards turn-based combat reflects a broader trend where certain gaming genres face backlash from players who prefer a different style. They compare this sentiment to criticisms of other game types that don’t align with individual tastes.

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