Gaming News: Virtual Boy Pro for Nintendo Switch Announcment Trailer (2024) – Reddit Reacts!

Check out how Reddit reacts to the Virtual Boy Pro announcement for the Nintendo Switch in this hilarious post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready for some Gaming News fun? Let’s dive into the uproar caused by the Virtual Boy Pro for Nintendo Switch announcement!


  • Reddit was fooled by the Virtual Boy Pro announcement for a brief moment, falling for the April Fool’s joke.
  • Users reminisced about the original Virtual Boy, recalling the headaches it caused.
  • Some speculated on Nintendo’s future ventures into AR and VR technologies with the Switch.
  • Comparisons were drawn to Nintendo Labo, a past innovation by the company.

Virtual Boy Nostalgia

Many users took a trip down memory lane, sharing their experiences with the original Virtual Boy. One user, CluelessAtol, humorously admitted, “The title had me fooled for about 2 seconds longer than it should have lol. Forgot today was April Fools lol.”

Speculations on Nintendo’s Future

Memphisrexjr pondered the potential for Nintendo to explore AR and VR further with the Switch, drawing parallels to their past ventures like the 3DS and Mario Kart Live. Could the Virtual Boy Pro be a hint at things to come?

Nintendo Labo Comparison

unibod highlighted a past Nintendo innovation, Nintendo Labo, where they turned cardboard into interactive experiences. This nostalgia trip made some users question the validity of the Virtual Boy Pro announcement.

And yes, that woman did indeed get Luigied in the announcement trailer, according to vipkiding. A fitting end to a hilarious parody!

Irumaisbaby summed up the general sentiment with a simple, “that was a fun one.”