Gaming News: What Players Carry in their Inventory – Precious or Dangerous?

Exploring the most absurdly precious, valuable, or dangerous items gamers carry in their inventories. Find out which items stop players in their tracks!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Gamers discuss the most unique and unexpected items they’ve carried in their inventories across various games. From priceless artifacts to dangerous explosives, players share their memorable experiences.


  • Players reveal the absurdly precious or dangerous items they’ve carried in games.
  • From anti-matter bombs to infant NPCs, inventory mishaps can lead to unexpected adventures.
  • Memorable moments include exploding items, valuable toys, and life-saving artifacts.

Lethal Inventory

One player recalls an unstable ordnance in ‘Space Quest IV’ that rewards and punishes players for picking it up, showcasing clever game design tricks.

Gamer’s Dilemma

‘XCOM’ challenges players to manage unconscious alien captives, adding a dark twist to inventory management.

Unexpected Treasures

In ‘Fallout 4,’ players comically hoard nuclear weapons and rare toys like the Giddyup Buttercup, adding a humorous touch to post-apocalyptic survival.