Gaming News: What Video Game Conflict Could Have Ended Sooner?

Explore Reddit users' hilarious takes on how video game conflicts could've been avoided!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever thought about how certain video game conflicts could have been resolved much sooner? Reddit users shared their hilarious insights on various games. Let’s dive into the laughs and what-ifs!


  • GTA V: Avoid a million-dollar debt by not destroying a cliffside house.
  • Mortal Kombat: Stop trusting evil wizards to prevent the plot.
  • Far Cry 4: Just sit and wait for 15 minutes.
  • Chrono Trigger: Alter Lavos’ trajectory to skip a colossal journey through time.

GTA V: The Million-Dollar House Mistake

One user hilariously ponders the chain of events leading to a regrettable million-dollar debt in GTA V due to a vengeful act…

Mortal Kombat’s Wizardry Woes

In the world of Mortal Kombat, misplaced trust in evil wizards seems to be a recurring theme, raising questions…

Far Cry 4: The Power of Patience

Amidst the chaos of Far Cry 4, a simple strategy of waiting a mere 15 minutes could have changed everything…

Chrono Trigger: Lavos’ Missed Opportunity

Exploring the what-ifs in Chrono Trigger, one user suggests a slight shift in Lavos’ trajectory that could’ve altered the course of history…

From quizzical musings to comical scenarios, Reddit users showcase the fun side of gaming narratives, highlighting the potential for swift resolutions and alternate endings. Whether it’s avoiding debts, questioning trust, or embracing patience, these humorous insights offer a fresh perspective on our favorite video game conflicts. Next time you’re stuck in a virtual quandary, remember, sometimes all it takes is a moment of clarity or a dash of common sense to steer the plot in an entirely different direction!