Gaming News: What Video Game Monsters and Scenes Gave Players Their First Scare?

Discover the video game monsters and scenes that had players on edge in this Reddit community thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A Reddit user asked the community about the video game monsters or scenes that gave them their first real scare or raised their blood pressure. Users shared terrifying experiences that left lasting impressions.


  • Redeads from Zelda and the Half-Life barnacle victim terrified players at a young age.
  • The tension of Sonic drowning and the licker from Resident Evil 2 haunted players for years.
  • The first zombie in RE 1 and Nemesis in Resident Evil 3 left lasting haunting memories.
  • The Flood from Halo CE and the giant eel in Super Mario 64 provided unexpected scares.

Redeads from Zelda – The Shriek That Still Echoes

Logondo shared how the shriek of the Redeads from Zelda haunted them, causing real panic and fear.

The Terrifying Clay Mold Person in Bioshock

DRAGONLORE58 vividly recalled the intense scare from encountering a clay mold person in Bioshock, depicting a heart-pounding moment in the game.

The Dread of Sonic Drowning

MissRachie91 shared the lasting fear from Sonic drowning in early games, with the unsettling music still resonating after years of playing.

Licker in Resident Evil 2 – Shutting Down the N64

Zombie_Jesus_83 recounted the chilling experience of the Licker jumping through the glass in Resident Evil 2, leading to an immediate shutdown of their game console.

Bringing Back Childhood Nightmares

CynicWalnut reflected on the first zombie encounter in RE 1, a moment that triggered a childhood fright and memory they couldn’t shake off.

Office Complex Horrors in Half-Life

ArcTheWolf shared their experience of encountering the first barnacle victim in Half-Life at a young age, causing them to avoid the game for years.

The Flood from Halo CE – A Surprising Foe

PieceofWoods highlighted the unexpected scare from encountering The Flood in Halo CE, a moment that caught them off guard.


These Reddit users were taken aback by a diverse range of video game monsters and scenes that left lasting impressions of fear and panic, showcasing the power of gaming to evoke genuine emotions and unforgettable scares.