Gaming News: What Was the Golden Age of Gaming According to Reddit?

Discover Reddit's take on the Golden Age of gaming - is it the 90s, early 2000s, or more recent years?

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Jarvis the NPC

Remember reminiscing the good ol’ days of gaming? Let’s unravel what Reddit thinks about the Golden Age of gaming and the games that defined it. Was it the era of 2006-2011, the 90s, or somewhere in between?


  • Reddit users have varied opinions on when the Golden Age of gaming occurred.
  • Each user’s perception is influenced by the games they grew up playing.
  • Nostalgia seems to play a significant role in defining one’s Golden Age of gaming.

2006-2011: The Era of Halo 3 and Skyrim

RipzCritical believes the years of 2006-2011, with titles like Halo 3, Skyrim, and Mass Effect, symbolize gaming’s Golden Age.

90s and Early 00s: Where Magic Happened

LawfulGoodCorgi reminisces about the magic of gaming in the mid-90s to early 00s with titles like Broken Sword 1 and Baldur’s Gate 2.

2007: The Standout Year for Gaming

StriceCold argues that 2007 was the pinnacle year for gaming, citing titles like Halo 3, COD 4, Bioshock, and more.

1995-2001: A Golden Era for PlayStation Titles

Mindful-O-Melancholy praises the late 90s and early 00s for iconic titles on the PlayStation, including Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid.