Gaming News: What’s the Best Game to Sink Hundreds of Hours Into?

Discover the ultimate game to devote countless hours to according to Reddit users!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready to immerse yourself in a game for hours on end? Well, Reddit users have shared their top picks for the ultimate time sink that will keep you hooked like never before! Check out what they had to say below.


  • Rimworld, with its diverse experiences, is a top choice for many players.
  • Civilization games are a go-to for those seeking strategic depth and endless playtime.
  • The Witcher III captivates players with its immersive storytelling and vast world.
  • Old School Runescape remains a classic favorite for those craving nostalgia and engaging gameplay.

Civility is the Key

Reddit user Sea_of_Trees suggested delving into the Civilization series, known for its strategic gameplay that promises hours of enjoyment. The turn-based strategy element keeps players engaged, and the evolving scenarios offer a fresh experience with each playthrough.

Hunting for Showdowns

Skippie_Granola shared a love for Hunt: Showdown, citing a staggering 1200 hours spent in the game. This PvP title offers intense action and challenges that keep players hooked, making it a top choice for those seeking a competitive edge.

The Witcher Chronicles

Leather_Roller expressed their current obsession with The Witcher III, praising its rich narrative and compelling characters. The vast open world of The Witcher III invites exploration and adventure, promising an experience that players can easily lose themselves in for hours on end.

Sink into Nostalgia

IMetalArmsI highlighted Old School Runescape as a timeless favorite. The game’s nostalgic charm coupled with its engaging quests and community-driven gameplay make it a beloved choice for those seeking a trip down memory lane while enjoying a truly engaging gaming experience.