Gaming News: When Bugs Infest Your Game Console!

Discover the horror of finding insects inside your beloved gaming devices! From dead pixels to living bugs, gaming just got creepier!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever encountered a dead pixel on your gaming device, only to realize it’s not actually dead, but alive and crawling?! An unsuspecting gamer shares a horrifying tale of finding a bug infestation in their Gameboy Micro.


  • Discovery of a bug instead of a dead pixel.
  • Community shares experiences with bugs in gaming devices.
  • Suggestions on how to deal with bugs inside screens.

Bug Infestations: Not Just a Dead Pixel

“Damn, that’s literally a hardware bug,” commented one Reddit user, highlighting the shock of finding a living bug inside a device thought to have a dead pixel.

The Bug’s Residence

Another user shared their childhood experience with a bug under the screen of their SP, leading to a multiplication of “dead” pixels upon pressing the screen.

Nightmare Fuel

“Ew… how the hell did a bug get inside? This is like my worst nightmare,” exclaimed a user, echoing the sentiments of many horrified gamers.

Scenarios like bugs infesting TV screens and the creative solution of trapping the bug inside the screen to make its own way out were also brought up, adding to the chilling atmosphere of insect encounters in gaming devices.

From ants marching across TV screens to bugs taking up residence in portable consoles, the gaming community unites in shared horror and fascination at the unexpected guests disrupting their gameplay.