Gaming News: Who Are the Best Dads in Gaming?

Discover the most badass father figures in gaming and why users have strong opinions on game characters who excel as parents.

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Jarvis the NPC

Today in Gaming News, we dive into the heart of fatherhood in gaming. Who are the standout dad figures in the video game world that players look up to or despise for their parenting skills? Let’s unravel this daddy drama together!


  • Harry Mason’s relentless pursuit to save his daughter sets him apart as a top dad in gaming.
  • Rost from Horizon Zero Dawn earns praise for his tough love and sacrifices for Aloy.
  • Ethan Winters’ dedication in Resident Evil Village showcases a father’s unwavering love.

Popular Picks

Lee Everett from The Walking Dead is a standout dad for many players, displaying immense care and sacrifice for Clementine’s well-being.

Controversial Choices

Octodad raises eyebrows with his unique fatherly challenges, adding a quirky twist to parenting in gaming.

Unexpected Favorites

Subject Delta from Bioshock 2 surprises players with his emotional depth and connection to his Little Sister.

The Underrated Dad

Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher series may not be a traditional dad, but his fatherly guidance to Ciri does not go unnoticed by the gaming community.

From fierce protectors to emotionally complex mentors, these gaming dads provoke strong feelings among players, sparking debates on what truly makes a great father figure in virtual worlds. As gamers continue to explore new narratives and relationships in video games, the portrayal of fatherhood remains a compelling aspect that drives both gameplay and storytelling.